All posts by swormald

MNH – Drainage Problem

Thursday, Aug 10, 2023

From: James Rains

Good afternoon  Mr. Wormald,

Thank you for reaching out. Our office has requested that TXDOT maintain these ditches, and they have agreed to maintain them and will continue monitor periodically.

Kind regards,

James C. Rains,

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

To: James C. Rains, MPA – Chief of Staff – Office of Council Member Mary Nan Huffman – Houston City Council, District G


I’ve purposely delayed replying to this email until I thought about it and sought other inputs.  On the face of it, this is stunning.  Perhaps we misunderstood….

While clearing the drains is an important part of the problem, your response does not address the two major problems we addressed in great detail to you, and on the website:

  1. The westside drainage ditch of Addicks-Howell no longer exists; the developer raised the site above the ditch level, so filling it in.  Consequently ALL the floodwater coming off both Memorial Drive and the developer’s site automatically flows to the east side drainage ditch, and into Fleetwood moreso than it ever has.  We are asking that the COH re-visit the site design and permit, and require the developer to re-install a ditch alongside the property, on the west side of Addicks Howell.
  2. The culvert at the south end of Addicks Howell, which takes all the run-off off the site and the road, is inadequate and causes a backup of all the water and further flooding back into Fleetwood.  While the road is closed by the developer, this would be an ideal time to install a larger culvert at that point, and we ask that your office liaise with TXDOT to rectify that situation.

Thank You

Monday, August 21st, 2023

From: James C. Rains, MPA – Chief of Staff – Office of Council Member Mary Nan Huffman – Houston City Council, District G

Thank you for checking-in on this matter. In response to item one, I asked that our public works department investigate the matter concerning the drainage ditch along the west side of Addicks-Howell. I received the following response:

We have inspected this construction site and found that the contractor has a road closure permit for Addicks-Howell Road adjacent to this construction site. He is accessing this site from Addicks-Howell Road and has installed temporary culverts in the ditch. The ditch is open and is not blocked.

At the end of this project, the temporary culverts will be removed, and the ditch restored.”

As for your second concern, I have confirmed with TXDOT that they are planning to maintain this culvert/ditch. I have asked that they expedite this maintenance and  that they keep me posted on any additional updates. As I receive any news on this, I will happily keep you posted.

I hope this information is helpful. As always, please let me know if I can be of any additional assistance.

Kind regards,

James C. Rains, MPA

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023

To: James C. Rains, MPA – Chief of Staff – Office of Council Member Mary Nan Huffman – Houston City Council, District G


Frankly NO, I don’t find this helpful.  You repeatedly fail to address the two issues:

1.  There is no culvert in the drainage on the west side of Addicks Howell, and if there, it is hidden and/or blocked.  You can view the videos on the website from the last storm, and you will clearly see that water is running off the development site, across Addicks Howell into the eastern ditch, piling the volume onto the Fleetwood wall and fence, and into Fleetwood.  It seems you are accepting the COH response that after the site is completed, all will be well, and in the meantime, what you have is what you get.  Getting placatory answers from COH is not what we need, solving the problem is what we need.

2.  You continually refer to TXDOT having agreed to clear the ditches, which is great if they do it, but only a part of the problem.  The major problem is the culvert under Addicks Howell, which is undersized compared to the next one further south.  No amount of ditch clearing will resolve the blockage and backup at the culvert, with a mixture of debris and trash (mostly from the building site) and vegetation that happens with every storm.   Replacing this culvert while the road is closed would be a sensible resolution.  PLEASE ADDRESS THIS WITH TXDOT. 

Thank You,

Steve Wormald


City of Houston – Public Works – Deny Request for Public Meeting

Dated Thread – Read from Top

June 6th, 2023 – Letter from City of Houston – Public Works


June 26th, 2023 – Steering Committee Formal Response to Public Works (submitted by Janis Mecklenburg)


June 27th, 2023 – PW Response following Memorial SuperNeighborhood Discussions


June 27th, 2023 – Reply from PW to Wormald email of June 13


June 28th, 2023 – Wormald Response to Public Works


June 30th, 2023 – eMail and Response from CM Huffman’s office


Thank you for following up on this.  It’s fair to say that the people who are vested in this matter don’t understand why a Public Meeting can’t be held – we have offered Meeting space (at the new Public Library) and any day of PW”s choice – to say they cannot due to a lack of resources also makes no sense – twice now,  representatives have attended SuperNeighborhood Meetings, when they could have spent that same time at a properly organized and publicized Public Meeting devoted to this project.

Please encourage CM Huffman to insist on her constituents behalf for a real Public Meeting so that we may properly discuss what has so far become an extremely unsatisfactory plan, the details of which in fact have not changed from when we first brought up this matter several months ago.

Thank you again,

Steering Committee

West Houston Multi-Family Developments



On Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 4:18 PM Rains, James – CNL <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Just to quickly follow-up on this. CM Huffman has requested that Houston Public Works honor their commitment to having a public meeting for this project. The department has indicated to us that they will accommodate this request – though it looks as though they will only agree to hosting a virtual public meeting.

We will share more details with you, and publicly on our social media, as we receive them.

Kind regards,

James C. Rains, MPA – Chief of Staff

Office of Council Member Mary Nan Huffman

Houston City Council, District G

(832) 393-3263

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